Josh and I are facing actually having an income this July when he starts residency. We are praying and thinking hard about the best and Godly-est way to handle the money that we will be stewards of. Result? We have a renewed committment to handle money carefully and *gasp!* frugally. *laugh* So far, we are having fun watching our remaining loan monies stretch with our efforts. For example: I am cutting the dog's hair because that will save about $80 dollars. If it takes me 8 hours do finish cutting them over the course of several days then I am making $10/hour. Meanwhile, Aiden gets to run around in the backyard which is good for him and helps him take longer naps! (which I enjoy) Last night God gave Aiden puddles to play in. The proof is in the pictures.
Here's What Happened:
And here he is in his glory:
The only way I could get him to stand still long enough to get a picture of his face was to plop him in the swing!!
Loyd Campfire
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