Well, Aiden has gone to Latin, Art & Theology, History of Science, and Philosophy so far. I am exhausted from trying to anticipate his being hungry so we are going to take a break and only go to Latin and the Book of the Semester today. Josh and Ryan are able to make it to all the classes and we find ourselves winding up for the end of the semester. Papers are comming due and we actually see finals on the horizon. Meanwhile, there is always time for a good nap as represented by Aiden and Uncle Ryan:
:) Couldn't resist getting that pic on the internet.
Mom is comming to visit tomorrow evening through Monday evening and I am SO excited!
Yesterday's philosophy class was on Dante's Divine Comedy. I have never been inspired to read it before, but the teacher described it as a journey of a soul to find God and I find myself wanting to read that hunk of literature. Perhaps I will try over Christmas.
We are also beginning to make plans for the international rotation that Joshua wants to do hopefully next summer.
Please pray for us in all the things that we are doing right now and hope to do in the future.
Loyd Campfire
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