Aiden is napping, the guys are working in the clinic, and I am studying a little bit of Matthew and a little bit of James. James 1:26-27 talks about what righteousness and religion truly is. It says that our religion is worthless if we don't carefully watch what we say! God's idea of a religious person (one who He accepts as "pure and faultless") is one who looks after widows and orphans. I might rephrase this as one who loves and has compassion on those who God loves and has compassion on since there is so much in the Bible about how God watches over the widows and orphans. The second part of verse 27 is the one that I am trying to get my mind around this morning. What does it mean to keep from being polluted by the world? How does this work practically? I know it can't mean that I should not interact with the world, but it seems that I should interact on a cautious and discerning level since there seems to be some sort of purity that God requires. I would be interested in knowing how other people work this verse out if anyone has any thoughts.
Loyd Campfire
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