Aiden's Nana (my mom) sent him paints so we painted today. He had a great time and did a beautiful painting (for a 21-month-old) Recently I have heard several people comment on how they did not want to stay home because they 1 need to get out (time away from kids) 2 wouldn't know what to do (boredom) or 3 would not feel that they were doing something worthwhile (low self-esteem). To all of those comments, I say that staying at home has been the most exciting and challanging thing I have ever done in my life, and I have done a lot! It is hard and I get fustrated with it somtimes... but that is when I am challanged to change things up. I am having the time of my life watching my kids grow up and being able to teach them and figuring out how to teach them. Aiden can unload the dishwasher, clean up his toys, turn the VCR on, feed the dogs, entertain his little brother, and give lots of hugs and kisses. That's a pretty educated little toddler!
Loyd Campfire
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