We're Back!
Whew! After a whirl-wind three weeks visiting all that we love in Texas we are back to our home in Canada. We even got an airline-sponsored night's stay in Pittsburgh which gave us a chance to relax. So far we have discovered that we need to get used to waking up to an alarm again, Aiden loves his new bed, and our feet need footies to keep from freezing on our tile floor. (I will be knitting some slippers in the upcomming days) I will miss our family and friends back home but I am excited about working our way back into some sort of schedule. Of course, we are the Loyds and that means that the word schedule can be taken very loosely.
Oh, just a thought, if anyone knows of someone who is getting rid of or selling a TV set that is around 27 inches let me know! My parent's TV still projects a picture but it is fading fast and I would love to find a way to replace it.
Hello to anyone who is still reading our blog nearly a month after our last post!
We love ya'!
Loyd Campfire
For all who wish to follow our travels and engage with us in conversation.