Too long since last post....
Too much has happened...
Josh, Aiden, and I are all still here in Canada enjoying and learning. We continually feel blessed and are excited as things wrap up and we get ready to head home. Ryan went home to Dallas today. We are really going to miss him here and it has been good to see him learn and grow this year. If you read this, please join us in praying that God will help him to assimilate everything he learned this year and that God will be preparing Ryan for the ministry He has planned in Thailand and the rest of Fourth Year.
I found the following article: Blogitelling about blogging. I think this is the main reason that I havn't blogged as much as I would like to. When you get to sharing what you REALLY think on the internet there seems to be too many factors that you can't control so that makes me cut back in what I post. The particular thing that I can't control is how people will interperet what I say and I am not there with them as they read it to explain myself further. Even more than my desire to not misrepresent myself is my desire to not misrepresent my Saviour.
Ok, and to share a particularly sweet moment with you all....
This evening Josh was reading Scripture to Aiden and I. I was holding Aiden in my lap and for a portion of the reading Aiden practiced his balance in sitting up. As Josh continued to read, Aiden looked up and stared at his Daddy's face. I watched Aiden's face as he responded to the inflections in Josh's voice. Sometimes Aiden would give a tiny smile, sometimes his forehead would wrinkle. The whole time I prayed that God would pour Himself and His Word into Aiden's heart. I hope our son will always love God, love His Word, and love His people.
Loyd Campfire
For all who wish to follow our travels and engage with us in conversation.