This was a busy weekend for us! A team of students from a church in Oklahoma City came and helped us host an English Camp for about 140 kids from the Lua people group. The camp was held over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We taught English by taking the kids through different stories in the Bible starting with Creation and ending with the Ressurection. The camp was orgainized Thai-style which means that we were very flexible and didn't always know what we would be doing next. We found that the kids listened to the story best when we had them come up and act it out as we told it. The kids were reluctant to volunteer to act but when we said that whoever played Mary, Jesus' mom, would get to hold Aiden we had an eager volunteer. About 13 kids said they were interested in becoming Christians so please pray that they will have their questions answered and that their families will be okay with their decision. We are doing a similar thing this upcomming weekend and next weekend so pray that our energy levels can remain high! It is dificult to go all week and not really have a weekend to rest. Thank you for your prayers and support.
Loyd Campfire
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