Friday, August 26, 2005

We went to the doctor today for well-child check-ups. That is the toughest thing I could ever do with kids this age. 2-hours later we emerged... all of us exhausted. Have you ever tried keeping 2 kids under 2 happy in a room where they can't lay on the floor, there are no toys, there is no safe surface to put the rolling baby on, and "no, Aiden, we are not going home yet, don't open the door..." You know what the nurse did? They put us in the radiology room which had this cool table that went up and down with the push of a button. Lots of people out there know about Aiden and buttons... and I won't say anymore except that he practiced a lot more restraint than I expected. So that's done and we don't have to do it again for 2 more months. Maybe I will do it one kid at a time and find someone to keep the other kid.


We are still alive though!