Here I sit drinking one of the final teabags of Tetley Rooibos Vanilla Tea from Canada. Ah.... I miss Canada.
In other news, Isaac is sitting up! He gets quite cranky laying down so I started trying to sit him up today. He is so excited! He gets really happy and then straightens his body out and falls over. Aiden was very happy to have his brother sitting up too!
Why are we adopting you may ask? After all, we have two young kids right now! We are obviously able to have kids on our own (it takes a lot less paperwork to make your own kid than to adopt someone else's!). Well, Josh and I have talked about building our family through birth children and adopted children since before we got married. We felt God's command to care for the fatherless applied to us by taking orphans into our family. We didn't want to have a passel of birth children and then a group of adopted children- we would rather they be intermixed and through that have a closer connection with each other. We don't forsee having any problem loving someone else's biological child as much as we love our birth children. God has given us a few green lights indicating that now is a good time to start the process for our first adoption. The hospital Josh works at offers some help with the costs of adopting and in an amazing stroke of generosity, the IRS offers a $10,000 tax credit for each child adopted. We were thinking about adopting from South East Asia and felt drawn to Vietnam. Vietnam, however, has been closed to adoptions for the last 3 years or so. They opened again at the end of June which corresponded with a time we really felt like God was saying "go ahead and start." So we are, starting that is. We will see where this road takes us. We appreciate your prayers in this since we really want to be wise... but that wisdom may seem foolish in the world's eyes. That's okay with us, we are not living our lives or building our family to please the world. We just really want to do what God would have us do.
Here's pics of Aiden and Isaac enjoying each other!: