Well, I know at least 2 of you are out there. Thank you for reading! This post may provide you with some other reading material that will keep you busy until my next posting. I think most people know that Josh and I want to be missionaries and our first choice for a sending agency is the International Mission Board through the Southern Baptist convention. As things stand right now we are not eligible for service with the IMB. In November the IMB changed 2 of their policies in such a way that Josh and I are eliminated as canidates. But there is WAY more going on there than the fact that Josh and I can't be IMB missionaries. If I say any more, though, I will just be repeating things that someone before me has so eloquently presented. I will, therefore, direct you to his blog. To get the whole sequential story start reading in December (through the archives) up to the most recent post. I appreciate his wisdom and reading what he says saps the anger/fighting impulse in me and compels me onto my knees in prayer.
Here you go:
Loyd Campfire
For all who wish to follow our travels and engage with us in conversation.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Ok, I am posting. Do you know how overwhelming it is to post when I havn't posted in so long? Life has been overwhelming (but joyful) and that is why I havn't put anything up here as of late. I am not going to worry about catching you up on the last 3 months, you can call me if you want an update. :) I will tell you that our adoption agency hopes to be licensed in the next few weeks and we may know who our baby girl is by the end of Feburary. Josh is going to Ghana in April and I am thinking about going on a road trip... maybe dallas to college station to austin or something like that. I will just need to fill up 3 weeks or so and I think I can survive the last week here in OK City with the boys. *sigh* I love my man and it is hard to imagine such a long period of time without him.
There you go guys. I posted. I have no idea when I will post again and I am not going to even try and guess. If you are still here, keep comming back.