Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Well, Aiden has gone to Latin, Art & Theology, History of Science, and Philosophy so far. I am exhausted from trying to anticipate his being hungry so we are going to take a break and only go to Latin and the Book of the Semester today. Josh and Ryan are able to make it to all the classes and we find ourselves winding up for the end of the semester. Papers are comming due and we actually see finals on the horizon. Meanwhile, there is always time for a good nap as represented by Aiden and Uncle Ryan:

:) Couldn't resist getting that pic on the internet.

Mom is comming to visit tomorrow evening through Monday evening and I am SO excited!

Yesterday's philosophy class was on Dante's Divine Comedy. I have never been inspired to read it before, but the teacher described it as a journey of a soul to find God and I find myself wanting to read that hunk of literature. Perhaps I will try over Christmas.

We are also beginning to make plans for the international rotation that Joshua wants to do hopefully next summer.

Please pray for us in all the things that we are doing right now and hope to do in the future.

Saturday, November 08, 2003

Argh! Our printer just went *PFT* and stopped working. It won't turn on... we unplugged it and plugged it back in and knocked on it a few times but it refuses to wake up. It kinda reminds me of Aiden in the mornings when I am trying to get him to eat. *laugh* The more fustrating thing is that I just finished spending $70 canadian for new printer cartridges and I am needing to print off thank you cards for everyone who gave us something or helped in some way with baby stuff. If you are a part of that group please consider yourself profusely thanked until I can get a card to you saying so.

Meanwhile, I am thinking and praying for the people in our church in Dallas tonight. It is 6:30 their time and I know that service is comming to a close. We miss you and pray that God is continuing to show himself to you. We can't wait to join you for two Saturdays in December. Thank you for your love and prayers.

Friday, November 07, 2003

I was hanging the diapers to dry in our room and couldn't help but feel that the image was a beautiful and peaceful representation of my experience of motherhood thus far.

Thursday, November 06, 2003

Good Evening World!
What a wonderful day. I gathered up my courage and went out shopping with Aiden and Joshua. It was a little scary at first because I kept wondering what I would do if he had a screaming session like he had had the evening before. I, however, needed some new clothes since my maternity ones don't fit anymore (yeah!). So Michelle, a friend of ours, drove us to the Salvation Army and Josh strolled around with Aiden in the sling while I looked for clothes.

It looks like I am going to get to be flannel momma this winter as I couldn't find anything but flannels that were nursing-friendly. That's alright though, I am really enjoying nursing and don't mind flannels at all.

We got back home safely with a quiet and contented baby. What fun! I know enough to know that I should enjoy days like this to the fullest. I had a nap, reviewed some Latin with Joshua, and we started the pot roast for dinner. Then Ryan called to say he wasn't comming home for a while since he was going to see the Matrix. Well, I know that Joshua would miss that if he thought that I needed him, but it had been such a great day and I have really appreciated his help all week so I reassured him that I would love for him to go and enjoy the movie. I told him to come back and let me know if it was worth seeing. If so, then perhaps we will go see it together while visiting in Texas since we may have ready babysitters in our parents. *grin*

Then I read a comment on our site from Phil that said something about a Rich Mullen's song that has Aiden's name in it. We didn't know that when we named him but now that we do, I would love to hear the song. Does anyone know what album it is in?
The words are a partial expression of our prayer for Aiden and I would love to learn to sing it to him. Here's the words for those who are interested:

Let Mercy Lead

Goodnight and God bless!

Tuesday, November 04, 2003

HI! Our sweet baby is just 4 days old and are we both learning a lot! Joshua is the best husband in the world and has been a great support and help. Here are pics of Josh and Ryan changing a diaper and Joshua with the finished product. Ryan has been enjoying uncle duty too and doesn't shirk the poopy diapers. Hopefully I will find time to post more soon. Until then, good night!