Tales from the Pot...
Potty training was exhausting. I started last Wednesday when I checked out "Once upon a Potty" video-version from the Library. I think Aiden and I watched the 10 minute show 20 times on Thursday- no kidding!
We took a small break over the weekend when Kathleen and Rebecca came to visit. TONS of dispairing on Tuesday thinking my little boy would still be wearing diapers when he graduated from high school. Then Wednesday happened.... wonderful Wednesday! Aiden made the connection between when I said "go pepe" and what he had to do with his bladder. WOW! He probably isn't potty trained in the strict sense... he doesn't have the coordination to pull his pants off by himself and he doesn't ask to go to the potty yet. However, every 1 and 1/2 hours or so I have him sit on his little potty and I say "go pepe" and he does! And he holds it inbetween. GREAT! We took a test run to the post office in big boy pants and he went to the potty before we left and when we got back but... and get this... his pants stayed dry the whole trip!
Now that I don't have to watch him as much, I am able to do the housework that has been neglected the last week. He does have amazing sphincter control and he figured out he gets a mini-cookie every time he goes a little in his potty. Result? Well, he will urinate about 1/2 a tsp. in the potty, say "yeah, pepe," ask for a cookie, and 60 seconds later he does it again... *laugh* he is so smart!
Loyd Campfire
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