We are going to the Patrick's farm today and perhaps we will spend the night tonight. We are busy wrapping things up and making sure that, at the same time, things are taken care of back in Dallas so that Josh will have no probs when he goes back to school. Transition is SO crazy... if anyone has any hints on how to keep the house clean while you are preparing to turn your world upside down, let me know!
Loyd Campfire
For all who wish to follow our travels and engage with us in conversation.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Monday, April 19, 2004
Only two weeks left! It really feels like home here in Ottawa and I will miss the people we have come to love. I can't believe that this 'chapter' is almost over. I remember last year at this time we were still newly pregnant and wondering if we were really going to be able to come at all. Last night Josh and I thumbed through some pictures and it was nice thinking about all that has taken place while we have been married.
This year we are looking forward to Thailand, wondering how we will live in a 1-room apartment for 10 months, and eager to find out what residency we will eventually go to. Life is so exciting! I must admit I sometimes long for a little calm, but it seems like we have been given the energy we need to keep up with it all.
Great news! My hubby finished his last paper...
Irreducible Complexity
I am SO proud of him!
Perhaps one day he will write a book!
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Wow, what a wonderful day! We ended up spending a great time at our Pastor's house visiting with him and his wife. I was talking about wanting a rest and God was so good to give it to me.
Today is Sunday.
Josh has a bit more to go on one of his papers and he needs to finish it today since next week is full.
Josh was voted valedictorian so he (we) needs to work on a speech at some point *grin*
I need to finish up laundry, vacuuming, knitting the soaker I am working on, tidying up a bit.
Need, need, need.... But I WANT to have a day of rest.
I've heard that God doesn't always supply your wants but he will supply your needs. I pray today he does just the opposite.
Saturday, April 17, 2004
I'm thinking alot about how to incorporate arts in my worship and church community. I love drama... I wonder if anyone else at LGBC would be interested in doing little skits?
What about visual art? That's not really my forte, but if I were to express my worship with paint then what would it look like?
What about dancing as worship during church? Well... I'm still a little *achem* inhibited for that. I'm not closed to it though.
I was looking at Hope Chapel in Austin. It seems like a "normal church" that is very vibrant and alive. Want to know what makes them a bit unique? They have an arts ministry team. Imagine your church having an arts minister. (I am trying to imagine what that would have looked like in the large church I grew up in) The church itself has an arts gallery, Supports a Christian Artist for a year so they can develop their art, and the church really explores how to tie links between artists and the greater Christian community. Cool stuff.
Monday, April 12, 2004
ok,ok... I know we havn't blogged in a long time and as cute as Aiden is it is time for something different huh?
Lately Josh has been writing and writing... he has 1/2 a paper to go but here is what he has written so far:
MathematicsPaper "The Languages of Man"
Philosophy "An Inquiry concerning Hume's Understanding"
ScripturesPaper "On Salvation"
History of Chemistry.doc
One of the reasons we came here was so that Josh could become better at writing! He has certainly had many oppertunities for that. When he finishes his last paper on irreducibility we will post it too.
Today is Easter Monday, a holiday I never heard about it Texas, but it is celebrated here in Canada. Josh, Aiden and I took a long walk and visited several book stores. I found some books for Aiden and I can't wait for him to wake up from his nap so I can read them to him!!!
Josh is studying for his art exam while listening to Bach so he can also be prepared for his music exam. This week is individual class finals and next week is the oral and written comprehensive (all of the courses for the whole year) exams. We are preparing for Thailand mentally at least and I am knitting soakers like a mad woman.
Anyone know anybody who lives in Evansville Indiana? A residency that is there has caught our eye and we are interested in knowing more about the area.
and for all of those [grandparents] who are eager to get another look at Aiden... here you go:
Here's Aiden with his Grandparents.
Here's Aiden doing two of his favorite things.. playing in his Jumperoo (sure it's bulky but he sure likes it!) and chewing on the table.
Here's Aiden himself.