Josh and I are facing actually having an income this July when he starts residency. We are praying and thinking hard about the best and Godly-est way to handle the money that we will be stewards of. Result? We have a renewed committment to handle money carefully and *gasp!* frugally. *laugh* So far, we are having fun watching our remaining loan monies stretch with our efforts. For example: I am cutting the dog's hair because that will save about $80 dollars. If it takes me 8 hours do finish cutting them over the course of several days then I am making $10/hour. Meanwhile, Aiden gets to run around in the backyard which is good for him and helps him take longer naps! (which I enjoy) Last night God gave Aiden puddles to play in. The proof is in the pictures.
Here's What Happened:
And here he is in his glory:
The only way I could get him to stand still long enough to get a picture of his face was to plop him in the swing!!
Loyd Campfire
For all who wish to follow our travels and engage with us in conversation.
Wednesday, February 23, 2005
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Not too much to report. These will be rather mundane postings as I try to get back in the habit of posting again. :) Grocery shopping is such a traumatic experience for Aiden and I! I never know what to do with Aiden when I am unloading the car. I can leave him in the car (questionable security) while he screams and I make the trips to/from the apartment. I can leave him in the apartment while he screams and I make trips to/from the car. Today I left him in the backyard which I walk through between the car and our apartment. I thought he would be happier because he would see the most of me (he can see me through the gate... the only time he wouldn't be able to see me was when I was rushing upstairs into the apartment to put bags on the floor. Well, he screamed the whole time. *sigh* I think my two new-baby requests will consist of 2 months of diaper service, and delivered groceries.
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Well, we are going to try and keep up with this like we promised. It has been a while since we posted and some of you havn't seen us in a while. Right now we are trying to figure out what residency to go to, I am sewing summer clothes for Aiden, and Josh has taken a part-time job to provide a little extra income. Aiden is growing wonderfully and beautifully. It is really exciting to be his mom! The other little one inside my tummy is growing also and I look forward to greeting him. I am currently reading the "Tightwad Gazette" in hopes of gaining ideas for living less-expensively. I hope to make it a fun challange and not something that we do grimly! Ok, gotta go play with Aiden and his Noah's Ark.